XXIX Scientific Conference “Masquerade festivaland and the local community”.
Regional museum Pernik – Bulgaria.
The XXIX Scientific Conference “Masquerade festivaland and the local community” (Regional museum Pernik – Bulgaria) is held every year, in the last week of January during the traditional carnival of masks. The scientific research area covers tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The structure of the participants consists mainly of researchers from the fields of museology, history, ethnology and archeology and they are employed in museums, research institutes or universities from Bulgaria and the region. This is precisely the target group of the DCBox project, to whom the lecture is intended with the intention of bringing the results of the project closer to them. The topic of the lecture given by Bata Vasic (NIS University) is “Digital Curator box (DCbox): A new educational toolbox for the modernization of the digital curators profile”. In addition to the description of the educational programs within the project, the lecture also included a description of the educational portal, and the results of the dissemination can be determined by monitoring the logins from Bulgaria and the region.